Tag: is she a teacher
英文: Is she a teacher at your school?
Is she a teacher at your school?
訳: 彼女はあなたの学校の先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher or a student?
Is she a teacher or a student?
訳: 彼女は先生ですか、それとも生徒ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher of English?
Is she a teacher of English?
訳: 彼女は英語の先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher who teaches science?
Is she a teacher who teaches science?
訳: 彼女は理科を教えている先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher in the elementary school?
Is she a teacher in the elementary school?
訳: 彼女は小学校の先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher for the advanced class?
Is she a teacher for the advanced class?
訳: 彼女は上級クラスの先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher who enjoys teaching?
Is she a teacher who enjoys teaching?
訳: 彼女は教えることを楽しんでいる先生ですか?
英文: Is she a teacher who has many students?
Is she a teacher who has many students?
訳: 彼女はたくさんの生徒がいる先生ですか?
2024年度5級 第1回 問題筆記
翻訳を表示 (1) Ms. Marley’s favorite season is winter. She likes the beautiful Christmas ( ) at the station. マーレーさんのお気に入りの季節は冬です。彼女は駅での美しいクリスマス( )が好きです。 Say it! 1. summer 夏 Say it! 2. nose 鼻 Say it! 3. tree 木 Say it! 4. ear 耳 Say it! 翻訳を表示 (2) A : Are you on the soccer ( )? A: サッカーの(…