homework (宿題) Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: homework (宿題)

英文: I do my homework every evening.

I do my homework every evening.

訳: 私は毎晩宿題をします。


英文: She always completes her homework on time.

She always completes her homework on time.

訳: 彼女はいつも時間通りに宿題を終わらせます。


英文: They finished their homework before dinner yesterday.

They finished their homework before dinner yesterday.

訳: 彼らは昨日夕食前に宿題を終えました。


英文: The homework was difficult, but we managed to complete it.

The homework was difficult, but we managed to complete it.

訳: その宿題は難しかったですが、何とか終わらせることができました。


英文: He has already done his homework for the week.

He has already done his homework for the week.

訳: 彼はすでに今週の宿題を終えています。


英文: Homework is assigned by teachers to reinforce learning.

Homework is assigned by teachers to reinforce learning.

訳: 宿題は学習を強化するために教師によって出されます。


英文: If I had less homework, I would have more time for hobbies.

If I had less homework, I would have more time for hobbies.

訳: もし宿題が少なければ、趣味のための時間がもっと持てるでしょう。


英文: By the time the teacher checked, most students had completed their homework.

By the time the teacher checked, most students had completed their homework.

訳: 教師が確認した時には、ほとんどの生徒が宿題を終えていました。


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