high (高校) Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: high (高校)

英文: He attends a high school in his city.

He attends a high school in his city.

訳: 彼は自分の街の高校に通っています。


英文: She studies hard because she wants to go to a good high school.

She studies hard because she wants to go to a good high school.

訳: 彼女は良い高校に行きたいので、一生懸命勉強しています。


英文: He graduated from high school last year.

He graduated from high school last year.

訳: 彼は昨年高校を卒業しました。


英文: She enjoys her classes, and she loves participating in high school activities.

She enjoys her classes, and she loves participating in high school activities.

訳: 彼女は授業を楽しんでおり、高校の活動に参加するのが大好きです。


英文: They have attended the same high school since freshman year.

They have attended the same high school since freshman year.

訳: 彼らは1年生の時から同じ高校に通っています。


英文: Many students are accepted into high schools each year.

Many students are accepted into high schools each year.

訳: 毎年、多くの学生が高校に受け入れられます。


英文: If she studies hard, she will get into a good high school.

If she studies hard, she will get into a good high school.

訳: 彼女が一生懸命勉強すれば、良い高校に入れるでしょう。


英文: By the time he applied, he had already visited several high schools.

By the time he applied, he had already visited several high schools.

訳: 彼が応募した時には、すでにいくつかの高校を訪れていました。


  • 過去問題英検3級-2023第2回読解問題練習 From Kathy

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