give up (諦める) Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: give up (諦める)

英文: I never give up on my dreams.

I never give up on my dreams.

訳: 私は夢を諦めません。

英文: She gives up easily when things get tough.

She gives up easily when things get tough.

訳: 困難になると彼女は簡単に諦めます。

英文: They gave up on the project after the funding was cut.

They gave up on the project after the funding was cut.

訳: 資金が削減された後、彼らはプロジェクトを諦めました。

英文: We can’t give up now, we’re almost there.

We can’t give up now, we’re almost there.

訳: 今諦めるわけにはいきません。もう少しです。

英文: I have been told not to give up by many people.

I have been told not to give up by many people.

訳: 多くの人から諦めないように言われてきました。

英文: The task was given up by the original team.

The task was given up by the original team.

訳: そのタスクは元のチームによって諦められました。

英文: If you give up now, you’ll never know what could have happened.

If you give up now, you’ll never know what could have happened.

訳: 今諦めたら、何が起こり得たのか分かりません。

英文: She had given up hope before the news of her success arrived.

She had given up hope before the news of her success arrived.

訳: 成功の知らせが届く前に彼女は希望を捨てていました。


  • 4級-筆記練習-第5回

    (1) Donald took his son to the ( ) to look at the planes. ドナルドは息子を飛行機を見に( )に連れて行きました。 Say it! 翻訳を表示 1. station Say it! 駅 2. airport Say it! 空港 3. hospital Say it! 病院 4. bank Say it! 銀行 (1) Donald took his son to the ( ) to look at the planes. ドナルドは息子を飛行機を見に( )に連れて行きました。…