Tag: full (満腹)
英文: I am full after eating lunch.
I am full after eating lunch.
訳: 昼食を食べた後、満腹です。
英文: She felt full after having a big breakfast.
She felt full after having a big breakfast.
訳: 彼女はたっぷりの朝食をとった後、満腹感を覚えました。
英文: They were full after dinner last night.
They were full after dinner last night.
訳: 昨夜の夕食の後、彼らは満腹でした。
英文: We can’t eat more because we are already full.
We can’t eat more because we are already full.
訳: もう満腹なのでこれ以上食べられません。
英文: I have been full since I ate a large meal earlier.
I have been full since I ate a large meal earlier.
訳: 先ほどたっぷりの食事をしたので満腹です。
英文: The buffet was full of delicious food.
The buffet was full of delicious food.
訳: ビュッフェには美味しい食べ物がいっぱいありました。
英文: If you eat slowly, you’ll feel full faster.
If you eat slowly, you’ll feel full faster.
訳: ゆっくり食べると、早く満腹感を得られます。
英文: She had already felt full before the main course arrived.
She had already felt full before the main course arrived.
訳: メインコースが来る前に彼女はすでに満腹感を覚えていました。