friends (友達) Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: friends (友達)

英文: My friends and I often go to the movies together.

My friends and I often go to the movies together.

訳: 友達と私はよく一緒に映画に行きます。

英文: She invited her friends to her birthday party.

She invited her friends to her birthday party.

訳: 彼女は誕生日パーティーに友達を招待しました。

英文: They met their friends at the mall yesterday.

They met their friends at the mall yesterday.

訳: 昨日、彼らは友達とモールで会いました。

英文: We can call our friends and plan a trip.

We can call our friends and plan a trip.

訳: 友達に電話して旅行の計画を立てることができます。

英文: I have been chatting with my friends online recently.

I have been chatting with my friends online recently.

訳: 最近は友達とオンラインでチャットしています。

英文: The party was organized by my friends and me.

The party was organized by my friends and me.

訳: パーティーは友達と私で開催されました。

英文: If our friends arrive on time, we can start the event early.

If our friends arrive on time, we can start the event early.

訳: 友達が時間通りに到着すれば、イベントを早く始められます。

英文: They had met with their friends before going to the concert.

They had met with their friends before going to the concert.

訳: コンサートに行く前に彼らは友達と会っていました。


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