festival (祭り) Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: festival (祭り)

英文: I went to a festival with my friends last weekend.

I went to a festival with my friends last weekend.

訳: 先週末、友達と一緒に祭りに行きました。

英文: She loves to wear traditional clothes during the festival.

She loves to wear traditional clothes during the festival.

訳: 彼女は祭りの間、伝統的な服を着るのが大好きです。

英文: They enjoyed the music and food at the festival.

They enjoyed the music and food at the festival.

訳: 彼らは祭りで音楽と食べ物を楽しみました。

英文: We can visit the festival in the evening to see the fireworks.

We can visit the festival in the evening to see the fireworks.

訳: 夕方に祭りに行って花火を見ることができます。

英文: I have been attending the summer festival every year since I was a child.

I have been attending the summer festival every year since I was a child.

訳: 子供の頃から毎年夏祭りに参加しています。

英文: The festival was organized by the local community.

The festival was organized by the local community.

訳: 祭りは地元のコミュニティによって企画されました。

英文: If it rains, the festival will be moved indoors.

If it rains, the festival will be moved indoors.

訳: 雨が降ったら、祭りは屋内に移されます。

英文: She had attended many festivals before she started organizing her own.

She had attended many festivals before she started organizing her own.

訳: 自分で祭りを企画する前に、彼女は多くの祭りに参加していました。


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