ear Archives - ビーオンライン英検練習

Tag: ear

英文: I hear with my left ear better than my right.

I hear with my left ear better than my right.

訳: 左耳の方が右耳よりもよく聞こえます。

英文: She wears earrings in both ears.

She wears earrings in both ears.

訳: 彼女は両耳にイヤリングをつけています。

英文: They covered their ears when the noise was too loud.

They covered their ears when the noise was too loud.

訳: 騒音が大きすぎると耳をふさぎました。

英文: We can listen with both our ears to better understand.

We can listen with both our ears to better understand.

訳: より良く理解するために両耳で聞けます。

英文: I have been having trouble with my right ear recently.

I have been having trouble with my right ear recently.

訳: 最近、右耳に問題があります。

英文: The sound was barely audible in the farthest ear.

The sound was barely audible in the farthest ear.

訳: 一番遠い耳ではその音がほとんど聞こえませんでした。

英文: If you speak softly, she might not hear with her left ear.

If you speak softly, she might not hear with her left ear.

訳: 小声で話すと、彼女は左耳で聞こえないかもしれません。

英文: She had cleaned her ears before going to the concert.

She had cleaned her ears before going to the concert.

訳: コンサートに行く前に彼女は耳を掃除しました。


  • 2024年度5級 第1回 問題筆記

    翻訳を表示 (1) Ms. Marley’s favorite season is winter. She likes the beautiful Christmas ( ) at the station. マーレーさんのお気に入りの季節は冬です。彼女は駅での美しいクリスマス( )が好きです。 Say it! 1. summer 夏 Say it! 2. nose 鼻 Say it! 3. tree 木 Say it! 4. ear 耳 Say it! 翻訳を表示 (2) A : Are you on the soccer ( )? A: サッカーの(…