From: Melissa Simmons
送信者: メリッサ・シモンズ
To: Library staff
宛先: 図書館スタッフ
Date: October 8
日付: 10月8日
Subject: Story time
件名: ストーリータイム
Dear Staff,
One of my goals as the director of Wigby Public Library is to make it a popular place for families.
Reading is important for everyone, especially children.
If parents and children read books together, they will share happy memories and build better relationships.
Also, reading is a great way for parents to help with their children’s education.
Our library can play a surprisingly important role in making Wigby an even smarter and more caring town!
With this in mind, I have decided to start a weekly storytelling session for children and parents, and I need your help to make it fun.
Of course, I want your suggestions for stories.
I also need someone to make posters to advertise the sessions and someone to look for items that the person telling the story can use to make the stories more fun.
Finally, I think we should take turns telling the stories.
Please let me know if there is something you would really like to do for these sessions.
If you have any ideas that could help make them better, I would like to hear them, too.
Also, if you have any ideas that will encourage more families to come to the library, please feel free to tell me about them.
You can either send me an e-mail or come to my office to talk to me in person.
Best regards,
Director, Wigby Public Library
ウィグビー公共図書館 館長
(27) According to Melissa, one way that reading can help families is by
(27) メリッサによると、読書が家族を助ける方法の1つは次のどれですか?
1 |
giving children a chance to explain their goals to their parents.
子供が自分の目標を親に説明する機会を与えること。 |
2 |
allowing parents and children to develop better connections.
親子がより良い関係を築くことを可能にすること。 |
3 |
improving parents’ chances of getting well-paid jobs.
親の高給の仕事を得る機会を向上させること。 |
4 |
reducing the amount of time that children spend watching TV.
子供がテレビを見る時間を減らすこと。 |
(28) What is one thing that Melissa asks library staff to do?
(28) メリッサが図書館スタッフに依頼していることの1つは何ですか?
1 |
Let her know if they are friends with any writers.
作家と友人であるかどうか彼女に知らせること。 |
2 |
Help her to move items to make space for an event.
イベントのためにスペースを作るためにアイテムを移動する手助けをすること。 |
3 |
Write a story about a group of young children.
幼い子供たちのグループについてのストーリーを書くこと。 |
4 |
Create notices that tell people about an activity.
アクティビティについて知らせる通知を作成すること。 |
(29) Why does Melissa invite staff members to her office?
(29) メリッサがスタッフをオフィスに招待するのはなぜですか?
1 |
To have a meeting to review the duties of staff members.
スタッフの業務を見直すための会議を行うため。 |
2 |
To tell her how to make the library more attractive to families.
図書館を家族にとってもっと魅力的にする方法を彼女に伝えるため。 |
3 |
She is too busy to be able to go and speak to them.
彼女は忙しすぎて彼らに会いに行けないから。 |
4 |
She wants to get to know each staff member much better.
彼女はスタッフ一人ひとりをもっとよく知りたいから。 |
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