From: Brian Davis <b-davis88@akuniversity.edu>
送信者: ブライアン・デイビス <b-davis88@akuniversity.edu>
To: Julie Davis <julie.davis@housemail.com>
宛先: ジュリー・デイビス <julie.davis@housemail.com>
Date: January 21
日付: 1月21日
Subject: Job interview
件名: 就職面接
Dear Aunt Julie,
Thanks for coming to my birthday party last month.
It was nice to see you!
Thanks as well for telling me about the new company in your town.
I applied to the company for a job as an engineer, and they’re going to give me an interview.
It will take me six hours to drive to your town, so I think it would be a good idea to arrive the day before the interview and return home the day after.
I was going to stay in a cheap hotel. However, Mom said I should send you an e-mail because she thinks that you might let me stay at your place.
Would that be OK?
My interview is on February 7, at 10 a.m., so I would like to go to your house on February 6.
After the interview, I want to see your town a little.
If you’re free in the afternoon of February 7, could you show me some interesting places?
I’d also like to know where the good shops and parks are.
I’ll meet you at your favorite restaurant and buy you lunch.
Also, Mom made strawberry jam, so I’ll bring some to you.
Your nephew,
(31) |
What did Aunt Julie do for Brian?ジュリーおばさんがブライアンにしたことは何ですか? |
1 |
She held a birthday party for him.
彼のために誕生日パーティーを開いた。 |
2 |
She introduced him to an engineer.
彼にエンジニアを紹介した。 |
3 |
She asked her boss to give him a job.
彼に仕事を与えるように上司に頼んだ。 |
4 |
She told him about a new company.
彼に新しい会社について教えた。 |
(32) |
What does Brian say he will do on February 6?ブライアンは2月6日に何をすると言っていますか? |
1 |
Spend the night at a cheap hotel.
安いホテルに泊まる。 |
2 |
Send another email to his aunt.
おばにもう一通メールを送る。 |
3 |
Have an interview in another town.
別の町で面接を受ける。 |
4 |
Travel to his aunt’s town by car.
車でおばの町に行く。 |
(33) |
In the afternoon on February 7, Brian wants to2月7日の午後、ブライアンは何をしたいと言っていますか? |
1 |
Show his aunt an interesting place he found.
彼が見つけた面白い場所をおばに見せる。 |
2 |
Make some strawberry jam with his mother.
母親と一緒にイチゴジャムを作る。 |
3 |
Meet his aunt at her favorite restaurant.
おばのお気に入りのレストランで会う。 |
4 |
Buy lunch at a shop and eat it in a nice park.
店で昼食を買って、素敵な公園で食べる。 |
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