What Did Dinosaurs Look Like?
No one has ever seen a real dinosaur, but we can see pictures and models of dinosaurs in museums.
Scientists who study dinosaurs have a few different ways to guess what these animals looked like.
If the bones of a dinosaur are found, they can be put together to discover the shape and size of the dinosaur.
Scientists can often guess which part of the body a bone came from by looking at the bone’s shape.
For example, a long, thick bone could come from one of a dinosaur’s legs because these bones had to support the dinosaur’s weight.
Smaller, thinner bones might have come from the fingers or toes of the dinosaur.
Scientists have discovered that dinosaurs are similar to animals that are alive today.
These animals include birds and reptiles, such as crocodiles and lizards.
Scientists can look at how the bones of these animals fit together, and this helps the scientists to put together dinosaurs’ bones.
Dinosaurs’ skin and eyes were probably similar to the skin and eyes of birds and reptiles.
Special artists can use photos of these animals when they create pictures of dinosaurs.
The bones of different dinosaurs are often mixed together.
If this happens, scientists must be careful when they decide which bone belongs to which dinosaur.
In such cases, the wrong bones are put together.
This creates problems when scientists try to discover what the dinosaurs looked like.
Scientists can often guess which ( ) a bone came from by looking at the bone’s shape.
科学者たちは、骨の形を見ることで、その骨がどの( )から来たのかを推測することがよくあります。
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Question 28 |
Part of the body
体の部分 |
2 |
Area of the world
世界の地域 |
3 |
Period of history
歴史の時代 |
4 |
Kind of animal
動物の種類 |
In addition, birds and reptiles ( ).
さらに、鳥類や爬虫類は( )。
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Question 29 |
Give other useful information
他の有益な情報を与える |
2 |
Produce eggs like dinosaurs
恐竜のように卵を産む |
3 |
Often eat the same food
よく同じ食べ物を食べる |
4 |
Usually sleep at night
通常、夜に寝る |
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