From: Mark Jones <mark_jones@tpost.net> To: Brian Smith <brian.s@qmail.com> Date: June 2 Subject: Amazing experience
送信者: マーク・ジョーンズ <mark_jones@tpost.net> 宛先: ブライアン・スミス <brian.s@qmail.com> 日付: 6月2日 件名: 素晴らしい体験
Hi Brian, I hope you’re doing well.
I went to a great art gallery last Sunday.
There were so many paintings there. Some of them were really colorful, but others were not.
The sculptures were interesting, too.
I spent a lot of time at the gallery walking around and looking at everything.
It was a wonderful experience to see all the art.
As I was leaving, I saw a poster about an event next weekend at the community center.
There will be a weekend art workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
We can learn about painting and making sculptures with clay.
You said that you wanted to try doing something creative, so I thought this could be fun for us.
Would you like to go?
Also, if you’re free after the workshop finishes on Saturday, we could go for dinner at my favorite place to eat.
It’s called Charlie’s Diner, and it’s not far from the community center.
Have you ever been there?
The chef, Charlie, is great, and he makes the best steaks in the city.
I’m sure we’ll both be hungry after making art all day.
If you want to join me, let me know, and I’ll reserve a table.
Your friend, Mark
(23) |
What is one thing that Mark says about the art gallery?マークがアートギャラリーについて言っていることの一つは何ですか? |
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It had a lot of different artworks there.
たくさんの異なるアート作品があった。 |
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It was not open when he went on Sunday.
彼が日曜日に行ったとき、開いていなかった。 |
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It did not take a long time to get through it.
見て回るのに時間はかからなかった。 |
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It was so big that he could not see everything.
あまりにも大きくてすべてを見られなかった。 |
(24) |
What will happen at the community center next weekend?来週末、コミュニティセンターで何が行われますか? |
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There will be a competition to make the most creative poster.
最もクリエイティブなポスターを作るためのコンペがある。 |
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There will be a sale of paintings and sculptures by local artists.
地元のアーティストによる絵画や彫刻の販売がある。 |
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There will be a chance for people to learn how to make art.
人々がアートの作り方を学べる機会がある。 |
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There will be a presentation about different styles of art.
さまざまなアートスタイルについてのプレゼンテーションがある。 |
(25) |
Mark asks Brian ifマークはブライアンに何を尋ねていますか? |
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Brian lives far from the community center.
ブライアンがコミュニティセンターから遠くに住んでいるかどうか。 |
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Brian knows a good place to go to eat steaks.
ブライアンがステーキを食べに行く良い場所を知っているかどうか。 |
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Brian can reserve a table at a diner for them.
ブライアンが彼らのためにダイナーでテーブルを予約できるかどうか。 |
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Brian has been to Mark’s favorite restaurant.
ブライアンがマークのお気に入りのレストランに行ったことがあるかどうか。 |
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